Meet Ali Sheridan

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Landing in the fitness industry was far from a coincidence. I struggled with my weight from middle school through college. This was especially hard, being a competitive athlete and often led to bullying from opposing teams (players and fans) alongside being shamed from family and friends.I hated the protective front I developed as a means of shielding myself from the deep wounds I allowed others to inflict on me. I became both ashamed of my physical body AND the person I had become

We can either become victims of our trauma, or decide to make changes. After years of frustration from following fitness trends, creating an unhealthy relationship with both food and exercise, my biggest focus became debunking my "genetic curse".  

I have personally lost & kept off over 40 lbs & done it in a way that suits MY LIFESTYLE. Not to mention having to navigate through severe injuries, surgery, and crippling health issues.

My coaching process involves consistently moving your body combined with habit shifts that match your unique lifestyle, and has brought lasting success to hundreds of clients. The best part about what I do, has been seeing clients improve their quality of life through increased confidence in not only their bodies, but in their abilities. My goal is to help you learn how to reach and maintain your goals for LIFE. I am confident that myself & all of our GymLab trainers maintain this ability & are vested in your success. Feel free to find me on Instagram and say “hi” @Aliandthegymlab to learn more about me... I look forward to hearing from you!