Meet Rebecca Kennedy


My name is Rebecca Kennedy, I'm a personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist at The Gym Lab, and I'm extremely passionate about what I do!

After struggling with being overweight (borderline obese) the majority of my life, I jumped into the fitness world head first. While I fell in love with learning more, and challenging myself, I started to become obsessed with achieving the "perfect" body. After losing a significant amount of weight, I spiraled into the world of eating disorders and body dysmorphia. It wasn't until I hit rock bottom and started recovery that I recognized what I wanted, what would truly make me happy: finding balance.

Now I teach my clients everything I have learned: fitness is not about obtaining the perfect aesthetic. It's about making you feel like your best, badass, most empowered self.  I love teaching clients how to move in fun, creative, inventive, and empowering ways that FEEL good. Exercise doesn't have to be a dreadful act of self-inflicted pain towards ourselves. It can, and should, be an outlet of self-expression and source of self-care.

I’m thankful for what I’ve been through, because not only has it made me stronger, but it’s also given me the wisdom, perspective, experience, and empathy a personal trainer needs to connect with clients on another level.

I'm here to change the way you think about fitness. :)

Find me on Instagram to see more from a Body Positive Personal Trainer: @redemptiverebecca