Fitness Alison Sheridan Fitness Alison Sheridan

Are you getting the most out of your ZZZs?

If you think you’re a super hero and sporadic or minimal sleep does not affect you, you are wrong.

The Why & How to Make Sleep Gains = Life Gains

Ever noticed any of these after a crap night of sleep?

  • Cravings are off the charts

  • Heightened mood swings/ irritability/ anxiety

  • Energy is unsteady

  • Brain fog


Sleep not only allows our brain to reboot after a long day,our body to rest, but also this is when our muscles repair & rebuild. It is also a time we produce and balance many different hormones. Did you also know that poor sleep has been linked to weight gain? When you sleep, your body regulates the two hormones that are responsible for feeling hungry (ghrelin) and for feeling full (leptin). If you are sleep deprived, ghrelin increases and leptin drops. This makes you feel more hungry than usual.


Read on for tips on how to get the most out of your zzz’s… Build a realistic sleep schedule: Figure out your normal daily priorities & when you will realistically be able to accomplish them, allowing you for 8 hours of shut-eye. We can train our body’s sleep-wake cycle by being consistent. A set bedtime will help us naturally grow tired at that time. This can take time, which is why you want to pick something that makes sense to your life. You may also find building consistency here helps with time management in other departments!

Create Sleep Hygiene - Relax and unwind. This will calm your mind and prepare you for a good night’s sleep. Ideas: a warm bath, relaxing music, reading a book or meditating. The focus should be on anything relaxing about an hour prior to zzz’s time.

Avoid Heavy Food & Alcohol - Avoid rich, sugar-laden foods before bed so not to energize you or overwork your digestive system. Try to make your last meal light & have it at least an hour and a half before bed. Also,  while some think these help them fall asleep, stimulants such as caffeinated tea, coffee, or alcohol disrupt your ability to sleep restfully, so avoid these several hours before bedtime to help ensure you are getting quality sleep.

Power Off - I honestly hate this one, but also highly agree with it. ...As tempting as it may be to scroll through social media as you are lying in bed, staring at a screen actually interferes with your body’s melatonin production and will disrupt your ability to drift off. Try turning your tech off at least half an hour before bed or at least setting it to Night-Shift mode to support your body’s natural falling asleep process. Create the Perfect Ambiance - If falling asleep or restful sleep is a challenge, you might consider how conducive your sleeping environment is? Think relaxing smells, removing clutter, lighting & physical these all play a role in the process.

Move Daily - Exercising regularly will help you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. Not only tiring you on a physical level, also releasing energy & that feeling of knowing you accomplished something is huge for mental health.

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